Stop right there. Yes, I have not been writing in my blog as regularly as I should, and I confess – I’ve been busy! However, before you assume that I have had so much work that I just couldn’t pull myself away from the studio long enough to write in my blog – don’t believe it.
I have had a great January – a mild February and a great March. During my slower February, I used that extra time to work on my marketing, catching up on office & studio maintenance and the like. The end of February was dedicated to FaffCon2 in Atlanta, where about 80+ voice talents from all over the country assembled for a full weekend of intense meetings, inspired by our questions, our agenda and our schedules. FaffCon is a voiceovers UNconference and is a MUST-DO weekend that I am still reeling over. I have over 13 pages of notes, ideas, comments, re-organized thoughts and the like. I want to commit them to index cards with Object & Solution agenda and placed in a pile to attack one at a time.
Friday, Feb. 25th we got in mid-afternoon in time to take the MARTA from the airport to downtown Atlanta and to our hotel, The Weston Peachtree Plaza. A very regal looking hotel tower that took up 72 floors of the skyline in Atlanta. Beautiful place and also our homebase of our UNconventional workshop. We shuttled over to the CNN Center to take a guided tour of the facility. Fabulous spot and a lot of information about the first cable news channel and it’s spinoffs from under the Turner banner. Well worth the time.
From there, we shuttled over to Max Yager’s. An opportunity to break bread with all the new faces and personalities that were attending FaffCon2, headed by Amy Snivley, our hostess with the mostest.