What are the steps for developing my voiceover business as a Novice or Professional Voice Actor.


Finding great clients for your voiceover business requires a combination of marketing, networking, and showcasing your skills effectively. Here are some strategies to help you find and attract potential clients:

  1. Find a good coach. You must make this a priority. Find out where your strengths are…. Follow your coach and develop your style and interests of where you want your voice to go. But a good rule to follow, is to find a Demo Producer , when you’re ready, that is not the same person as your coach. Keeps conflicts of interest at arms length.
  2. Create a Professional Website and Portfolio: Showcase your voiceover demos, samples of your work, client testimonials, and your expertise on your website. Make it easy for potential clients to learn about your services and contact you.
  3. Utilize Online Marketplaces: Join online platforms like Bodalgo, Voice123, or wherever clients post voiceover jobs. These platforms allow you to create a profile, upload demos, and bid on projects.
  4. Network with Industry Professionals: Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops related to voiceover work. Network with other voice actors, producers, directors, and potential clients. Building relationships can lead to referrals and job opportunities. Remember the old adage, “A rising tide raises all boats”. Helping your fellow talents will pay off in spades. Networking is KING!
  5. Utilize Social Media: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, X, and Instagram to showcase your work, engage with potential clients, and share industry insights. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions to expand your network.
  6. Cold Outreach: Research companies, advertising agencies, production studios, and other potential clients that may require voiceover services. Send personalized emails introducing yourself, highlighting your skills, and offering your services.
  7. Offer Free Samples or Discounts: Provide potential clients with free samples of your work or offer discounts for package deals for clients. This can help them experience the quality of your work and incentivize them to hire you for future projects.
  8. Collaborate with Content Creators: Reach out to YouTubers, podcasters, and indie filmmakers who may need voiceover narration for their projects. Collaborating with content creators can lead to ongoing partnerships and exposure to a wider audience.
  9. Attend Casting Calls and Auditions: Keep an eye out for casting calls and auditions in your area or online. Submit your demos and audition for roles that match your voice type and skills.
  10. Ask for Referrals: Once you’ve worked with clients, ask them for referrals or testimonials that you can use to attract new clients. Word-of-mouth recommendations can be powerful in the voiceover industry.
  11. Stay Persistent and Consistent: Building a client base takes time and effort. Stay persistent in your marketing efforts, consistently update your portfolio and demos, and continue to improve your skills to stand out in the competitive voiceover market.

By implementing these strategies and actively promoting your services, you can attract great clients for your voiceover business and build a successful career in the industry. It’s a great group of talents!